Part 16: Update XV - Remains of Tragedy
Update XV - Remains of Tragedy
Music: None

Has his life been lost forever? Just because I won? Without any explanation or greater meaning?

I wonder how long I stood there, dumbfounded. When I finally came to, Rin Tohsaka was staring at me.

Even though Shinji was the one who chose to fight you, he's the one who ended up dead. The reigning game champion of Asia is defeated. The moron didn't have a clue how to fight for his life. Such is the fate of any Wizard who treats the Holy Grail War like a game. A pathetic way to die, no?

I automatically opened my mouth to defend the dead from desecration.

This place is a battlefield. What sense is there in exalting someone who was dealt defeat?

The look in her eyes and her words drove home a message: on the field of battle, losers die. It should have been obvious. But apparently not to Shinji and I.

The winner of the Holy Grail War can be granted any wish. But there is only one winner. Everyone who enters has wishes and dreams, things they desire to have at any cost. Things worth dying for. You don't seem to have regained any of your memory yet. ...It's better that way. To lack a motive, that is. But you should at least be mentally prepared. If you're not ready to kill or be killed, it'd be better to go hide under a rock.
I'm prepared.

Right. As long as you mean it.
I can't prepare for that.

Your funeral. Leave it to Shinji to lose to such a weak-willed Master. Not convinced. The enemy Master is just going to think of you as a big waste of time.
I know I should, but...

Hide from reality if you like, but round two will inevitably come. No Master remaining thinks they can win without being prepared.

Rin is right about everything. Everyone who makes a stand here fights with a strong will. There's not a single one I could defeat without a hard fight first. I still don't have a reason to fight. I can't even think about killing and being killed until I have some reason to fight. That said, what right do I have to trample other people's dreams?
Music: School III
Caster is understandably exhausted after today.
At the end of the week, the fallen enemy's Info Matrix is automatically filled out, even if you skipped steps during the week.
Hunt of the Golden Hind: Golden Stag and the Eventide Tempest posted:
This Noble Phantasm is Rider's ace in the hole and forms the basis of her day-to-day life. With her flagship, The Golden Hind, at the fore, a vast flotilla of smaller craft expand ever outward and exterminates her enemies with overwhelming firepower. Its attributes contain vestiges of not only the fleet that eventually defeated the mighty Spanish Armada, but also of the stories involving the golden stag and the eventide tempest that had spread throughout the whole of Europe.
The eventide tempest is the encapsulation of all storms, from blizzards to cyclones, which manifest in the imagination of men as beasts and soldiers, saviors and monsters. Depending on who is speaking, the leader of these apparitions ranges from a fallen King Arthur to the Norse god Odin to the first murderer of men, Cain. In England, it is believed that Francis Drake rides the endless storm despite the fact that the role assigned to her is usually given to malevolent figures of history and myth.
Rider on the Storm (A+) posted:
Compels those who serve her to do as she commands. As the ability to lead is essential in her position, this unique skill also has an effect on Charisma and Military Tactics.
Settler of the Stars (EX) posted:
This unique ability is given to those heroes whose exploits became turning points in human history. Any difficult voyage and insurmountable challenge cease to be "impossible" and become "events to be realized.
Franciscus Draco posted:
Sir Francis Drake is generally considered the first person to successfully circumnavigate the globe (the first person known to have attempted this feat Ferdinand Magellan- was killed halfway through his voyage).
Though a male in life, Francis Drake has materialized in Fate/EXTRA as a woman.
During the time of Francis Drake, England was considered to be a second-rate power with no real influence beyond its borders and no colonies of worth overseas. It was primarily due to his voyages and successes on the high seas that gave rise to the British Empire. The combination of the wealth he brought to the country and the detailed maps he produced while circumnavigating the globe allowed Britain to assemble a fleet that rivaled that of Spain's.
An oft-mentioned aspect of the Drake mythos is that of his ship, the Golden Hind. Not only was it the flagship of Drake's fleet, it was seen as a symbol of hope and a source of miracles. The exploits the Golden Hind made possible elevated Drake (known and feared by the Spanish as El Draque) to a level on par with King Arthur. Both are said to dwell in Avalon, the city of the dead, and will eventually return to lead England to true glory.
During what was to be the final confrontation between England and Spain's Invincible Armada, Francis Drake was conmissioned as a vice admiral in the English navy. Using an unorthodox strategy involving the use of fire-ships, forcing the Spanish fleet into open water where they could be bombarded with cannon fire.
Music: None
Week 2 begins with another voiced speech.
Music: School IV
We start the day with Hakuno staring at Shinji's old desk.

I feel ripped apart to the core. There's Shinji's death. There's what Rin said. Rin's right. I know it's logical. But emotionally, I can't deal with it. Unable to let it pass unnoticed, my Servant talks to me.
Okay, Caster, you have got
to work on your empathy here.

Needing a purpose to be strong, needing resolve to be legitimate That all sounds like lies to me! You didn't need to know anything about yourself to allow me to be of use to you. You can just go on instinct, even with the big stuff like ideals. That's what you've done so far! That's why you're a fighter. ...Like him. You're the kind of person who is never crushed under the weight of responsibility. So, please don't say things like that. You'll die if you lose! You can't disappear, Master!

...All right. I'll keep doing my best, even if I don't know why just yet. After all, I've won once, and I need to keep winning.
Sound: Phone ringing
On the plus side, we'll learn who our opponent is on time this week!

I should hurry to the second floor bulletin board.
The place is deserted.
And Caster is taking a quick catnap. (Foxnap?)
Music: Duel of Fate
Our next opponent is that old man that Shinji insulted last week.
Damn, now I'm wondering how hard Shinji would get beaten if Hakuno lost to him.

An elderly gentleman is standing next to me. His hair is pure white, and his face weathered with the marks of aging. But, though he's clearly aged, he doesn't seem the least bit frail. If I had to describe the way he wore his years, I'd say it was like a tree's rings. His scars have become a solid core and tough bark. It is impossible to see his age as a weakness...
While Shinji was an arrogent child prodigy that lacked enough real world experience to avoid screwing up, Dan looks like he's been honed to a razor's edge. As is, our odds of winning look fairly non-existent.

That you have let your opponent's appearance shake your resolve is proof enough of inexperience. And your eyes... ...they are lost.
And he's not holding his punches, even verbally.
Dan walks off.

Because whatever you chose to do is absolutely, positively right, Master. You're never lost. Jeez! Doesn't he know that old soldiers ought to get kicked off the horse and left behind? ...Wait, is that the saying?
Caster, we've been in one actual fight. That's not exactly a good time to boast about our win rate.

She's speaking lightly. I guess she doesn't feel as overwhelmed as I do. Not only is he skilled, but he's courageous and insightful. His words shot clean through my ego. ...Can I win against this man? But, if I lose, then I'll be the one facing death

I think of the girl who gave me advice when I didn't know left from right. Rin Tohsaka. Maybe she's on the rooftop again. I should check later to see if she's there.
Rin's opponent is dead, naturally.
And we've started on Dan's Matrix.

You know, half of the familiar faces around here are gone, now that the first round is over... I wonder if you and I will fight, given enough time.
Thankfully, your generic model and lack of a name points to no.
On the downside, it also means you're a dead man walking.

I don't want to believe it... The people we eliminate, do they really die? Am I wrong? They don't REALLY die, do they?

I happened to look at him and he glared at me! Your opponent is a mean guy...

My opponent in the first round was so nervous that he never stood a chance of surviving. It made me realize that there is no "next time" in this war. It's pretty terrifying.

Allow me to congratulate you on advancing out of the first round. Although our enemy thought the Holy Grail War was just a game, he was a very powerful magus

But my Master was able to defeat him! Of course, I expected nothing less than victory! All we need to do is keep going just as we are!

Also... We managed to survive. With that said, there's no reason to dwell on your former opponent, right? Although we've only been together for a short time, I know exactly what kind of person you are. So don't feel that you have to suffer alone in silence, all right?

That Master is a seasoned veteran. He'll take you to task.

Can't rest on your laurels, though. There's way too much War left.

That black light must be a protocol strong enough to erode the digital brain of the
Master it touches. Just seeing it in action is scary enough. I don't want to experience it myself if I can help it...

Don't walk up to me like you want to talk. You won your first round, you know how serious things are. My only objective is to annihilate everyone save myself.
The girl that hung out behind this shelf is gone...

Do not become complacent, lest you be denied glory when next you fight. May you continue to experience the sweet ecstasy that only victory can provide.

I heard a couple people lost by default because they couldn't get their
Triggers. I'm prepared to die in a fight, but to shuffle off the mortal coil due to poor preparation? Ew.
Ha ha, yeah... No idea what that could be like...

Six more rounds to go before the Holy Grail is yours. May the Holy Grail continue to illuminate your path.

The only ways to be released from the Holy Grail War are to win, or be defeated.

He's a decorated soldier, although I believe he's retired now. He's a sniper from a kingdom that is allied, whether they want it or not, with the Harway plutocracy. Things like crawling over a mile or sniping an enemy commander are par for the course for him. ...Get it? He's of a completely different caliber than your first round opponent. Sheesh, you really are pathetic. Your memories haven't returned, and you're weak on top of that. I don't wanna preach, but without memorieswithout your reason to fightyou're dead in the water.

The ratio of put-down to advice is kind of wonky there. I do get that Rin says I have a handicap. The Holy Grail is won by individual motivation. To lack the core of that motivation is a problem.

You're not a strong-willed person or a soldier. By now, you should know that's a weakness. Even if you've got the strongest
Noble Phantasm out there, he'll still make quick work of you.

What's that confused look for? I'm talking about
Noble Phantasms... Don't tell me you don't know. It's like
King Arthur's
Excalibur. A Noble Phantasm is a power that makes your Servant a Servant.
Like, they're listed in the Matrix and everything. How have you not asked about this already, Hakuno?
Noble Phantasm? Makes my Servant a Servant? I do believe my questions render Rin Tohsaka speechless.

That would mean you aren't making full use of your Servant's powers, and yet you defeated El Draque? And here I thought you'd relied on a really potent
Noble Phantasm to defeat El Draque. ...Hmm. I might have to rethink my opinion of you. But, more and more, I'm getting the feeling that something's very off about you. I mean, your memories didn't return after prelims, and you can't use your
Noble Phantasm, either. You're a troublesome individual, you know that? Maybe a bug damaged your personal data when you exited the prelims. Possibly your Magic Circuit isn't functioning right. In any case, you have to fix the issue.
I love how Rin just casually drops Rider's name. He wasn't even her opponent, yet a single slip of the tongue gave her enough info to figure it out. Even if Shinji lasted long enough to face her, she could spend the week entirely on preparing for the Elimination Battle, while Shinji would have to start from scratch.

You may be able to use their
Noble Phantasm if you strengthen your bond with your Servant. The SE.RA.PH is supposed to treat all Masters equally. If the SE.RA.PH sees that you can't use your
Noble Phantasm, it will take corrective action. One more thing. Defeating an enemy isn't an invitation to forget that enemy ever existed. It's helpful to know about who you've fought, so take the time to look over your
Checking old data will never actually be relevant, all it does is give you a trip down memory lane.
Caster chimes in once we hit 1F.

That's right. This smiling girl is a Servant, one just as capable of displaying incredible powers. Now that I'm a Master, of course I can't avoid my curiosity about this
Noble Phantasm thing.

Anytime you want to see my
Noble Phantasm, just ask. It takes the shape of my heroic legend. Using my
Noble Phantasm will expose my identity, so you better be not be careless with it.

I understand how a great warrior's tactics and tools could telegraph their identity to a wise Master. It will be most advantageous if I wait as long as possible to use the
Noble Phantasm... The computer beeps, which ends the conversation for now. I'll learn Caster's identity in due time. She says I'll know eventually, so I don't think it's right for me to keep questioning.
In a major twist, there isn't anything wrong with us this time! Caster's Noble Phantasm is just explicitly locked out until a dramatic plot moment.
Sound: Phone ringing

A trial, huh...? Right, if I don't acquire both Triggers, I won't be able to enter the battle.

Looks like we have a task to do! Let's complete it as quick as we can, Master!

I mean... Tomorrow we'll be putting our lives on the line. It's kill or be killed, you know?

Once we finished the first round, it was so surreal. I still feel like I'm dreaming...

I hope this virtual illness thing heals itself, otherwise who knows what'll happen to me... Talk about dodging a bullet! My opponent was DQ'd after failing to get both
200 HP. Thanks Sakura.

Of course, there's a pretty good chance that ours will get taken as well. Cheery thought, huh?

When I defeated my enemy...they actually died. I thought this was supposed to be a video game...

I was lucky to win my first round. I need to get serious, or things are going to get ugly. Next time, my opponent will be stronger, and that's fine.

In any case, congratulations.

I mean, Shinji was a total dirtbag, but his hacking skills should've been enough to crush you. Seriously, though. I thought that you'd be one of the first to fall. To think you're not dead yet... Did I say that out loud? Oh man, my bad. I shouldn't have said that to your face... Anyway, it was obvious you won. Otherwise I wouldn't be here talking to you, right?

Have you seen the bulletin board yet? You know, where they tell you who your next opponent is? The minute I saw who I had to face next, my mind went totally blank. Seriously, total shutdown. I guess the old saying, "karma can be a fickle mistress" still holds true even here...
This is the guy that spent Week 1 helping out his girlfriend, so...

That old guy over there... He seems to be
arguing with someone... He's obviously upset about something, but...he's kind of freaking me out, you know?

Sorry about the lack of faith. But to survive the next round, you'll need to get even stronger. Be sure to buy everything you'll think you'll need for the trials coming in the week ahead.

...What was that? Well, I tend to eat a lot when stressed now. If I don't somehow manage to stay calm, I won't survive even the easiest of battles.
The store now stocks Remedies.
Plus two new Mystic Codes. The Shockwave-1st Strike holds a new Code Cast type.
While the Aromatic Wood has a status heal.
Two sources of ailment healing added at the same time, I wonder
what we'll be running into this week?
I sell off the Pirate Booty from last week and buy some Remedies and the Shockwave. I'll buy the Aromatic Wood later this week, but it runs into the same issues the ailment heal spells in FF1 ran into, where the gear is so expensive that you'd be better off sticking to items. Look at those prices, I could buy 24 Remedies for the cost of the Aromatic Wood, that'd probably last me the entire game!
Music: School III

They've been weakened by their Master's rank. You'd better get them back to full strength ASAP.

In a world of oddities, Touko speaking with a lowly Master is the oddest. Must be the e-cigs...

Exactly! No coffee, no tobacco, and I'm forced to spend my days with a mouth-breathing imbecile! Only the insane could enjoy being trapped here. I can't wait to finish here and ditch this body.
...wouldn't any cigarette in a digital world be an e-cig?

...Touko Aozaki continues her tirade but there is something odd about her choice of words. And what exactly does she mean by "ditch this body" anway?

Did I mumble? Once a magus enters the SE.RA.PH, they can't leave until they get the Holy Grail. But I'm not a Master, meaning that I'm pretty much trapped here unless I take drastic measures- Such as create a version of myself that'll self-destruct once my business in the SE.RA.PH is done.
The upside of not giving a shit about continuity of self is that you can pull galaxy brain moves like this.

...Umm... I see what she means, but her resolve is beyond my ability to comprehend.

Ignore her. She's just a twisted degenerate who showers what little emotion she has on her dolls. The difference between her and her copies are miniscule. Think the difference between genius and... Anyway, Just take everything she says with a boatload of salt. So, up for an Alteration now?
I sure am! One more level and we'll finally get a non-Curse skill!
Music: School IV
Dan is by the Arena, like the girl said.

I've just learned the identity of our next opponent. Though young, they did survive the first round. So be on your guard always. And I will not tolerate you acting solely on your "gut feelings."
We get our first look at Dan's Servant before we even enter the Arena.

And anyway, they've already killed once, have they not? Anyone who made it through the first round is worthy of a little respect. Or is that just me...?

Your arrogance will be the death of us. I need you to obey my commands if we are to survive. No more acting on your own like the first round. Winning battles is meaningless if we lose the war. Do you understand me? I will not tolerate your insubordination a second time.

I got it, I got it. Jeez old man, you can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

More impressive by far is the Master. He's obviously an experienced soldier! That punk from round one was a joke. This old warhorse is going to be much more of a challenge.
But unlike Shinji, who worked well with Drake, these two clearly hold drastically different mindsets towards combat. That might give us the edge we need.

We might end up having to fight them. I hope you've been up on your preparation. If there are any loose threads you need to take care of, do so now while you have the time.
I'm good!

Okay, let's get going! Be careful though, this opponent is going to be tougher than the last.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor
Sadly, we're back to the Orb Zone for the first floor.
Only now everything is green.
The preview also shows Dan and his Servant hanging out by a tree.
...A tree? In a virtual world?
Music: Breach
Hakuno is so spooked that all the colors have inverted!

However, I can't bring myself to move. It feels like both of my feet have been nailed to the floor. It's almost as if my body and mind have become disconnected and fear has taken over my basic instincts. I know that I have to get away as quickly as possible. The longer I stay here, the faster that death will come to claim me.

Um, what is happening to me is far more serious than "zoning out"... But oddly, that comment seems to free me. The sound of Caster's voice somehow relieves my paralyzing anxiety.

Well, if he thinks this will give him an advantage, he's an even bigger idiot than I thought.

Just looking at the always optimistic Caster is enough to put me at ease. However, if this is a result of the enemy's Noble Phantasm, we still remain at a serious disadvantage.

If we destroy the source of the field all of this will clear away in a heartbeat. Let's get going, Master. The source of the enemy's poison has to be somewhere around here!
Next time: Rushing, gardening, and exploring.